UPDATE ON : June 22, 2021 , By Criconet User Image

Views : 1124

Category : Indian team

Along with being a premier, first of its kind platform, Criconet is also quite advanced when it comes to execution of its plans for inclusion and opportunity for everyone in the sphere of professional cricket. Here, I will touch upon what makes Criconet’s e-coaching special, what it has to offer, and how to get e-Coaching.


Criconet is the first of its kind online cricket coaching platform. We use LIO - Live, Interactive, Online to describe it. This is because Criconet is the only online cricket coaching platform that offers Live, one-on-One coaching with a coach of your choice. Not just that, you are in control of your training and its timings. More on that later. Keep reading!


With Criconet’s e-Coaching, you get to choose everything. You can choose your coach, the date and time of your session, and you get to decide the pace of your training as well. You can train 7 days a week if you want, or only 3 days a week. Everything is in your control, completely.


Good coaches, nay, great coaches are what make great cricketers. We have got some of them right here on Criconet! Not only are they amazing at training potential cricketers, they are also in contact with A-List Selectors and coaches of famous cricketers which gives Criconet an edge. If you play well, are diligent and talented, then your dream of playing for India has already started taking shape and form.


One of the major reasons for the genesis of Criconet was the reservation of cricket as a career for the privileged few. You either had to be born with a silver spoon or you had to sacrifice way too much just to try. We wanted to make sure that every single person, regardless of their financial conditions and societal obligations, should at least have a chance to give it a shot. With Criconet’s e-Coaching, we aim to provide a variety of prices, intended to suit all budgets.

5. 100% SAFE

Criconet is 100% safe for people of all ages and gender. No matter how young or old you are, Criconet will always welcome you, while also keeping all your personal details safe and secure. We have safety measures set in place so you can report any misconduct. It is also safer than going out to cricket academies or coaching centres considering the COVID situation, so you can stay home, stay safe and continue training to be the cricketer of your dreams.

To experience the future of cricket coaching firsthand, go to www.criconet.com/coach 

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