UPDATE ON : June 15, 2021 , By Criconet User Image

Views : 1700

Category : Indian team

Cricket training sessions can vary from low to high intensity, depending upon the goals of the cricketer for that particular session. The timing, quantity and quality of a cricketer’s meals also depends heavily on the rest periods between training. When your training is of higher intensity, you should add more quantity to your food with healthy snacks. This is important in order to enable your body to carry the load of the heavy training. 

How important is fluid intake?

Since your fluid intake depends on a majority of factors like whether you bat or bowl, the style you play and even the surrounding weather, it is a good practice to determine your fluid needs and form a healthy drinking habit that works for you. Many trainees rely solely on electrolyte based drinks for their fluids, and neglect plain water. Electrolytes are important and so is water.

What to eat before a game?

When fueling up before a game, remember to eat a large meal 3-4 hours prior to when you’re supposed to play to allow some time for your stomach to empty itself as well. More specifically on what to eat, you can prepare a meal like this one - full bowl of cereal and milk along with a quarter kilo yogurt and a healthy cheese or meat filled sandwich topped with baked beans or lentil sprouts. Foods like peanut butter, bananas, cheese, muesli,milk are highly recommended even between sessions for a quick boost. It is also recommended to eat foods with low fat since fat slows down the process of digestion and might cause an upset stomach on the field. You should focus on foods that fill up your stomach without it feeling too heavy. This is, obviously, a rather personal decision since everybody’s body is different.

What to eat when training?

It’s important to take breaks during training and fuel up on your energy and fluids. For breaks in between training sessions, it is recommended to eat foods that have a high carbohydrate content and low fat along with fluids. Some recommendations are: low fat yoghurt and smoothies, fruit salad, banana sandwiches, rice with cooked sauce. When you take a drinks break, you must prioritise replenishing your fluid loss with a sports drink and some water.

What to eat in recovery?

In order to help your muscles recover from any form of strenuous exercise, workout, or even training, you can eat a snack that's high in carbs and protein as soon as possible. Since you will be training to either bowl multiple overs at once or scoring multiple runs at once, it is important to replenish your body’s nutrients and fluids quickly in order to reduce the chances of muscle fatigue. Common recovery foods include sports drinks, smoothies, granola bars, sandwiches, fruits etc. Recovery foods should, no doubt, be followed up with a nutritious meal of both carbohydrates and proteins 2-4 hours after the match. This can be similar to the food taken before the game.

Disclaimer: This information is not medical advice and should not be treated as such. Consult your coach, trainer, and/or dietician for a more in-depth explanation.

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