UPDATE ON : June 14, 2021 , By Arshiya Mahajan User Image

Views : 931

Category : Indian team

Sporting injuries are the worst nightmares of every sports enthusiast, and cricket is no different in this aspect. Not only are they expensive but also a massive waste of time, as they force you to take a break from most sporting activities. Fortunately enough, many of them are easily avoidable, so read on to know what injuries to look out for and how to avoid them. 

1. Rotator cuff injuries: this usually occurs when people repeatedly perform the same movement of the shoulder. It's more common amongst bowlers, with the risk increasing with age. Rotator cuff injuries are often accompanied by pain in the shoulder area that sometimes keeps you up at night. Additionally, you might also experience weakness in the arms and have trouble reaching behind your back or lifting your arms. Although usually easy to deal with, they can get progressively worse if left untreated.

So how do you avoid them? By strengthening your shoulders with plenty of exercises and making sure to stretch and warm-up before you begin training, and by watching your form when working out.  


2. Hamstring injuries: a hamstring injury is usually caused by strain or tears to the tendons or muscles at the back of your thigh. They’re usually caused by sudden and powerful movements, like when sprinting on the field. While they vary in severity, it’s good to avoid them altogether completely.  They’re accompanied by pain and tenderness at the back of your thigh. Like rotator cuff injuries, it's important to make sure that you warm up properly before moving on to the more serious stuff.  Furthermore, you could also include speed training in your everyday training to ensure that your hamstrings are adequately prepared. You should also increase the intensity of your exercises gradually to make sure you don’t overwhelm your body. 


3. Throwers elbow: throwing objects overhead often puts tremendous amounts of pressure on your elbows, especially when done repetitively. Like rotator cuff injuries, these are slightly more common in bowlers. This causes pain on the insides of your elbows and requires proper treatment. The best way to avoid these injuries is to make sure that your form is good, as improper throwing techniques could seriously injure you. It's also essential to make sure that your grip isn’t too hard to make sure you don’t put too much pressure on your wrists. Alternatively, you could also learn new routines to avoid putting too much repetitive stress on your elbows. 


4. Contusions: it's no secret that being hit by a cricket ball hurts, primarily because of how hard they are. A contusion is an injury caused by a direct impact, like getting hit by a cricket ball. It's accompanied by pain, swelling and some warmth in the area. It also causes bruising of the skin. The severity depends on where you get hit and how hard, and like most injuries, it's vital to treat it as soon as possible. The best way to avoid these is to wear protective gear.

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