UPDATE ON : June 10, 2021 , By sapnarani User Image

Views : 1414

Category : Indian team

Cricket has always been a popular sport among all generations. In present times, cricket has gained more foot than ever and it is gaining a competitive edge. The online platform has allowed players across various domains to understand the skills used in a cricket game. An online method for learning is quite convenient, effective and it can be redeemed well in our comfort. Here are some of the important batting tips which need to be followed by the beginners 


  • While batting, always face the bowler with feet-shoulder width apart. The shoulder should not be dropped easily, the back should be aligned straight and the eye must be kept at level times.


  • Always hold the bat right and firmly and make sure to hit the ball in the middle of the bat. Hands should be kept close to each other and the paddle should be comfortable according to the hands.


  • While batting, keep the lead leg at the front and lift the bat swinging in backward momentum and point the ball straight in the air.


  • With regular practice an eye on the ball should be maintained so that you can know the different positions to take when hitting the ball. By this, the aim of the ball is known and you can defend the ball from hitting the wicket.


  • Connect with the ball on the off chance that it is focused on the wicket. On the off chance that the ball is quick and low, this implies that it is for the most part to hit your wicket and get you out. At the point when this occurs, you need to hit a straight drive as a cautious shot. Be that as it may, this shot isn't to make runs or score high, however, to ensure your wickets. Ensure that you hit your ball short by focusing ready.   


  • Rehearsing your swing before a mirror before rehearsing with a ball will make you great. This is known as shadow cricket. This will help you see your swing and help to make acclimations to your position appropriately.


  • Being anxious during the game can throw you out of the centre and off your game. You will in general commit errors while apprehensive. Continuously work on controlling your breathing and imagine the direction of the ball. Attempt to shut out all the fervour and anxiety coming from others and focus readily.


Keeping such points intact while practising batting will help in elaborating the skills of being a cricket player. Criconet is one of the best online cricket coaching and mentoring platforms that represent top-level BCCI coaches who share their experience through teaching the drills and techniques used on the cricket ground. 


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