UPDATE ON : October 16, 2020 , By veronica User Image

Views : 1408

Category : Indian team

In all honesty, there can be many debates regarding the fixation of matches. Some matches may seem rather fixed, while others might just look real. It's easy to call cricket matches fixed because of the chance factor of the game. Cricket is a game which has a lot of scope for betting since it deals with a lot of numbers which change with every ball, and the IPL being the beast it is, is the perfect platform to place bets. 

First off, it is important to distinguish between match-fixing and spot-fixing. The former means the team takes money to lose the match. Whereas the latter means when a certain number of players take money to fix certain events within a match. This includes bowling no balls, wides, or giving a specific number of runs in a particular over, or getting out at a specific score, etc.

Moreover, almost all the top players are a part of this League. It is obvious that they are already earning a lot, hence jumping to such conclusions might seem a bit illogical. To fix a match, the entire team along with the captain should be involved. It is not quite understandable for every player in the team to agree to lose a match purposely. That concept doesn’t fit properly in terms of a good sportsman spirit. 

However, as far as spot-fixing is concerned, there may have been a few cases in the history of IPL. Since the sport is a bit difficult to fix, it seems unreasonable. Moreover, some of the best performances have been given by the players over the course of this League. Most of the time, performance is affected by various other factors. Hence, it is very difficult to ‘lose purposely’ as well. The selection of the players is also based on performance. There are times wherein, the proof has also been provided. Regardless, it would be unreasonable to think that the entire League has been fixed, especially considering how IPL has gone about for over 11 years.


cricket league,cricket tournaments

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