UPDATE ON : September 01, 2020 , By devesh17 User Image

Views : 2001

Category : Indian team

Cricket and football are two very different sports. The action that takes place on the cricket field is very different in nature and the intensity with which it is played on the football field. Being a cricket player as well as a football player I have experienced what it feels to be a part of a live cricket match and a football match. Even though I love football, yet I personally feel that cricket is better due to a few things. 

  • One of the major problems anyone who wants to start watching football has to first come to terms with all the various rules that make up this sport. While in cricket even though the rules are almost the same in quantity as in football they are much more easier to comprehend. 
  • A lot is said about the home and away crowd in football about how they can influence the match. But cricket is controlled by a lot more external factors such as the pitch, weather, how many overs is the game of, dew the crowd as well. These external factors make cricket more challenging and therefore the captain and the players have to be alert on the cricket field to any changes. 
  • Cricket has a lot more variety with regards to football with T10, T20, ODI and Test cricket formats. Each of these formats require a different set of skill and temperament from cricket players. While a football game has almost the fixed duration of 90 minutes, all these different formats pose different challenges for cricket teams ranging from going all out from the first ball in T20 cricket to staying a whole day on the cricket field in Test cricket. 
  • It is very difficult to understand the various football leagues that are played throughout the world. Like which team plays in which league or which teams qualify for the UEFA Champions League or the Europa League. While in cricket there are other series between two or three teams and then there are ICC tournaments like the ICC World Cup which are held to determine the best cricketing team.

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