UPDATE ON : August 20, 2020 , By Criconet User Image

Views : 2027

Category : Indian team

 Preparing for Sweep Shot   

1. Know the basics of batting. As sweep shot is an advanced shot, you must be aware with the basics of batting. You must know how to face a bowler, how to defence etc. 


2. Judge the bowler. You must know how to judge the bowler. A spinner can change the variations of his ball even at the last moment before delivery. You should be able to judge the spin and variations the ball will take after bouncing.


3. Practice often. Playing a Sweep Shot needs a lot of practice. It is hard to hit if you are a beginner.

  • Make sure to practice daily for as much as an hour. Remember, the more you practice; the better the shot is.   


4. Come on front foot as soon as the ball is delivered. Make sure not to be much on front foot as it may result in a stump out.                                                                                                                              



5. Bend your front foot knee as if you are stretching. Make sure not to overbend, so that you can return to the original position if you are unable to transmit.                                                                                                                     



6. Judge the bowl. This is the right time to judge the bounce and spin of the ball. Once you get an idea of the ball, you will be able to transmit the shot better.

  • It is possible that bowler had observed your footwork and would not allow you to play your shot. In such a situation, he would try to bowl short ball at a higher speed on which you would be beaten.

If you see such response from the bowler, immediately come on back foot by re-bending your knees to the original position and defense the ball.




7.  Bend your front knee completely and make your back foot knee touch the ground by making it bend.   




8. Swing your bat as if you are sweeping. Timing is very essential for sweep shot. Make sure you time properly.   



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